All Ireland Football Final 2023 Tickets Draw

The Rules for 2023 Senior Football Championship Final Dublin v Kerry ticket draw. 

The draw will take place on 27th July next from 8.30pm, St Brigid’s Clubhouse.

Please note that ONLY FULLY PAID UP ADULT ST BRIGID’S MEMBERS FOR 2023 whose membership was completed by 31st May 2023 can enter the draw (as per AGM motion some years ago). For family membership only the named adult associated with the membership payment is eligible, unless the additional adult has also paid membership.  

  • The member must be present on the night of the draw. 
  • You cannot send someone in your place. 
  • Each eligible member may sign in.
  • Sign-in closes at 10.00pm Thursday 27th July next. 
  • The draw will commence after sign-in closes. 
  • If your entry comes out of the draw you may buy one ticket for the match. 
  • Tickets must be paid for in person on the night. Payment in cash or via debit/credit card machine. 
  • Please note that the demand for tickets is likely to more than the club’s allocation.
  • The draw is over when last ticket is sold.